New Business in Cornwall

Tastytreats is a new business in Cornwall offering home made, bespoke, celebration cakes, desserts, iced biscuits, wedding favours and much more. We can supply individuals, hotels, guest houses, cafes and restaurants. Our desserts are portioned and may be frozen so you have a readily available portion to meet your customer demands. The picture on our dessert slide show includes one of our favourites "Baked Ginger Cheesecake".

Just contact us to discuss your personal requirements or to ask for a current price list.

This family run business is managed by Linda Wallis who is a trained chef and cake decorator. She has a passion for baking and turning out yummy treats

Monday, 6 October 2014

Macmillan Coffee Morning Cake

Had fun with this cake. I took it to two Macmillan Coffee Mornings and asked people to guess the weight of the cake. They had to pay to have a guess, and the lady who was the closest won a  celebration cake, to be made for her between now and Christmas. We managed to raise £100 to put towards this worthy cause. Not all by guessing the cake weight though!
Can you guess how heavy it was?

Wedding Cake

Lily and James's wedding cake. I have to point out this was their own design and yes that really is a Princess being whisked off her feet by Spiderman topper (which they supplied) haha.
 Congratulations you guys

Hand Bag Cake

This has to be up there with one of my favourite cakes that I have made.

Cake Painting

Trying my hand at something new and loved the effect. I could lose myself for hours just painting cakes!

Friday, 8 August 2014


Loved making these for my daughter and son in law's wedding cake a few years ago. I was working full time so had to make these in my spare time. It took a whole summer to make and decorate each butterfly. A labour of love but they looked wonderful. Not all in the photo but you get the idea.

Bernards 70th Birthday

Dedication Cake